“Trust in the Lord with
all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will
make straight your paths.” (ESV)
briefly break this passage down so we can take it in.
1) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,…”
Our path of
life-long wisdom starts with trusting and loving the Lord God first and his
righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33) then we will discover that other things
in our lives seem to fall into place nicely.
So the question to ask yourself is,
“Just how much do you really trust God”?
2) “and do not lean on your own understanding.”
Why is it
that so often we tend to try to do things our way first? Then we find ourselves time and time again
facing a predicament or challenge we did not count on or anticipate. Yes we do need to increase our understanding
but that should come from God who is willing to provide wisdom if we but
ask. What we need to do is strive to
get “our
own understanding” in tune with God’s so that our understanding comes
from Him. How can we do that you may
ask? Through prayer, reading God’s Word
and the counsel of Godly friends we can increase our understanding to be in
harmony with God’s desires. The real
question is, “Where are you leaning?”
“In all your ways acknowledge him,”
It is one
thing to know about God but quite another to actually know God. Knowing God in your life will be seen by how
you declare your relationship with Him.
Do you declare the greatness of God in your life to others, particularly
to those outside the church? Do you
acknowledge how God works in your life and give Him praise and credit for His
moving in your life? One thing I think we
can all do a better job of is giving praise reports of how God has moved and
influenced our lives. When something
wonderful happens that honors God I call it a “God sighting”. Acknowledging God’s actions and movement in
your life with not only draw you closer to Him but encourage others to do the
same. So the question to ask yourself
on this is, “What can you acknowledge
this week about God”?
“and he will make straight your paths.”
If you want
to strive after Godliness you need God to help direct you in the proper way to
go. If you want success to honor God
you must be fully committed to God in everything you do. God has your best interest at heart and you
really should want to be where He wants you to be. A question to ask is “Do you really want to travel the straight
and narrow road that God has set before you?”
The Challenge:
this passage so that you can quickly bring it mind from time to time as a
reminder of God’s will for your life and how to walk in Godly wisdom.
“Trust in the Lord with
all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will
make straight your paths.” (ESV)
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